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Step by Step
Programs & Events
Approval Process

Some approvals can take up to 2 months. 

Please plan your events and programs with a realistic timeframe.



Connect with your Principal to discuss and get approval for the event or program



Discuss at your executive board meeting and vote to recommend:


  • event or program

  • adding a line item to the budget, if needed

  • any contracts to be signed *** Contracts should only be signed for events or programs taking place off campus or before or after school.  All events or programs happening during school hours must be signed by SVUSD. ***




Once the event or program has been recommended for approval, at a general meeting vote to:


  • approve event or program & adding a line item to the budget, if needed

  • release funds

  • approve any contracts to be signed  ***Contracts should only be signed for events or programs taking place off campus or before or after school.  All events or programs happening during school hours must be signed by SVUSD. ***





Most events or programs now require SVUSD approval. 

Follow the quetions below to find out what you need to make this happen.


Is your event or program happening at your school?

Go to the next question

When is your event or program happening?


Work with your school office manager to get this event or program approved.  They will give you details on what is needed and if your vendor has a blanket contract for the year.



Do NOT sign any contracts or pay the vendor directly.  This all needs to be handled by the district.




You will need to gift the payment for the event or program directly to the school district.  Create a Fiduciary Agreement to be sent with a check written out to SVUSD and give them both to your office manager to send.

For vendor payment, the office manager should submit an invoice to Accounts Payable in Fiscal Services after services have been rendered in order for payment to be
issued to the vendor. If the vendor has any questions about payment, have them contact your office manager.




Once your event or program has been approved at a SVUSD Board of Education meeting, your school office manager will receive a copy of the signed contract and you can schedule your event or program.

View approvals from SVUSD Board of Education Meetings

August 3, 2023
September 7, 2023

October 12, 2023

November 9, 2023

December 14, 2023



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