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SVUSD School Board Trustee Candidate Forum

Tuesday, October 1st

7-8 pm

SVUSD Board Room


Moderated by The League of Women Voters​

Voters in Trustee Areas 2, 3 and 4 will be voting for a SVUSD School
Board Trustee.   View the trustee areas.



Trustee Area 2

Scott Miller - Candidate Statement

Michele Sparks - ​​Candidate Statement


Trustee Area 3

Michelle O'Brien - Candidate Statement

Suzie Swartz - ​​Candidate Statement


Trustee Area 4

Amanda Morrell - Candidate Statement

Michael Stannard - ​​Candidate Statement

Save the Date SVPTA candidate forum.png

We kindly ask all forum attendees to abide & respect these rules:

  1. No campaign banners, signs, literature, handouts, buttons, tee shirts, or other campaign paraphernalia will be allowed in the debate hall until after the forum has concluded

  2. The audience will be asked to refrain from applauding or in other ways demonstrating support or nonsupport for a candidate

  3. There will be no audience reaction shots during the debate, although panning of the audience before and after the debate may be allowed

  4. The candidates will remain seated at all times during the debate

  5. Questions from the audience will be submitted in writing.

  6. No flash cameras and no motor-driven cameras (phones/video) will be used during the debate other than those authorized by the sponsors

  7. Candidates are invited to remain after the conclusion of the forum to speak with audience members

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